130+ Simple Pleasures in Life Worth Embracing for Everyday

130+ Simple Pleasures in Life Worth Embracing for Everyday

130+ Simple Pleasures in Life Worth Embracing for Everyday

Many find they feel unfulfilled, bored, or overwhelmed from moment to moment and wonder how to create positive change. Enjoying the simple pleasures in life can be rewarding and reduce overall stress. Simple pleasures are present in every moment of every day and can be identified and enjoyed through intentionality and creativity.  

What are Simple Pleasures in Life? 

Simple pleasures can be everyday moments or things that can often be enjoyed without much effort or expense. Whenever I find myself feeling burnt out or dysregulated, it’s usually because I am not practicing balance or adequate self-care on the day to day. A simple walk in between meetings outside, a slow, intentional breath, or moment to count my blessings can make all the difference in shifting my focus from the never-ending hustle culture to being more present in the moment. It helps me re-center and remind myself I am more than what I do.

Examples of simple pleasures in life include a relaxing bubble bath, sipping a cup of coffee, putting your feet up, sunset or star gazing, enjoying music, or spending time with someone you love. These are all things that can be enjoyed without much effort or expense and hold incredible potential to foster joy, contentment, and happiness in our everyday lives. 

You may find it surprising how easy it is to start recognizing the simple, everyday things around you and shift focus to begin appreciating and enjoying them. Simple pleasures are often things that we already encounter naturally. It can be as simple as filling your lungs with a deep breath of fresh air, savoring the feel of the sun on your face and skin, or enjoying a well-cooked meal. 

Many times, all it requires to start enjoying simple pleasures in your everyday life is to shift your focus to one of gratitude and thankfulness. There is substantial research on the benefits of gratitude for our mental health, and this is no different. When we start noticing the good things going right and how they could be a lot worse, it can help us slow down and, in essence, “smell the roses.” The world we live in sometimes causes us to focus on success, money, and productivity. We can quickly lose sight of the little things that can bring fulfillment and joy alongside our busy days.  

Appreciating Nature 

So many of my fond memories include me being in nature in some form or fashion. Being in nature can help remind you that life doesn’t constantly have to be breakneck speed. Taking in the calm and beauty it offers can be so life giving for our souls. Whether that is stopping to notice a flower as you walk or going out of your way to discover nature through hiking or traveling, nature is all around you.

Here are a few ways to nature can be appreciated: 

Noticing Sunrises and Sunsets 

Breathtaking views don’t have to be out of your reach. Sunrises and sunsets can be seen from the comfort of your home or, with some planning, can be viewed from an intentional spot. Some of my most treasured memories include watching a sunset or sunrise after a long day or with someone special. Take a moment today to pause and appreciate this beauty offered daily. 


If you’ve ever looked up at the stars, it only takes a little to recognize how tiny we are in comparison to the universe. The universe is vast and mysterious. It existed long before we were born and will continue to do so long after. It can be helpful to put various problems we have into perspective and remind us that not everything is as big as we think it is. Sometimes, it is just a short drive outside of the city to enjoy the night sky in all its glory! 

Leisurely walks in the park 

I can’t tell you how many times a simple walk in the park has drastically improved my mood. Connecting with nature doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be as simple as a walk in your local park. Not only can you get in some exercise, but by slowing down and taking in the sights, sounds, and smells, you will notice your heart rate dropping, your shoulders relaxing, and a sense of peace enveloping you. You never know; you might even find some things you’ve never noticed before catching your eye.  

Feeling the sand between your toes at the beach 

I can’t tell you how many clients pick “the beach” as a safe, calm place for them to visualize leaving all their worries. The beach can be a place to unwind and relax. It is easy to let the sound of the waves and the gentle feel of the breeze carry all your worries away. Bringing a book to read or simply soaking up the sun can relieve stress. 

Culinary Comforts

For many, food is a source of comfort. Food is also a source of energy that fuels our bodies. Smell and memory are deeply connected; certain foods can elicit strong emotions tied to unique memories. Here are some simple culinary pleasures that can bring a smile to your face. 

Savoring a favorite home-cooked meal 

It’s different from a special home-cooked meal. Whether it’s mom’s famous lasagna or grandma’s homemade chicken soup, the taste and smell of a familiar dish can transport you to an earlier time that can elicit happiness and nostalgia. When you cook your favorite meal next, savor it slowly, enjoying every bite. 

Indulging in a warm cup of tea or coffee 

I don’t know about you, but my day isn’t complete without my morning cup of coffee. More than just a beverage, a warm drink can be a moment of relaxation or indulgence. Taking a moment to enjoy your favorite warm drink can help you recharge and refocus. Whether at your favorite coffee shop or brewed at home, take a few minutes to savor the flavor and aroma next time a cup and drink is in hand. 

Trying a new dessert or treat 

We all love familiar favorites, but sometimes, it’s worth treating yourself to something new. Whether it’s a fancy bakery treat or a homemade recipe, unique flavors, and textures can be a fun and rewarding experience. Feel free to leave your comfort zone and experiment with something new. Your new favorite treat could be waiting for you! 

Everyday Joys 

When life is hectic and overwhelming, pausing and appreciating the simple pleasures can make all the difference in my day. Here are a few unexpected everyday joys that can significantly improve your day.  

Cozying up with a good book 

Whether diving into a thrilling mystery, steamy romance, or informative non-fiction, there’s nothing like getting lost in a good book. Reading can transport you to another world and help you forget your worries. Additionally, taking a break from screens can be incredibly beneficial after a stressful period.  

Listening to uplifting music 

Music has the power to influence our moods and emotions. I often advise clients to listen to a song that fits their mood to help with processing and creativity. Creating a playlist of your favorite songs is a great coping strategy for stress or big emotions. When feeling down or overwhelmed, pop in your earphones or play with your favorite speaker. Allow yourself to get lost in the melody and sounds floating around and through you. 

Watching a favorite movie or TV show 

While we want to be mindful of how much checking out we do, watching a good movie or TV show can help you relax and unwind. Getting lost in a good story or watching a quick, funny clip can be a nice mental vacation from a busy life. A good laugh or a heartwarming story can work wonders for your mood. You can pick the classics, binge-worthy shows, or informative documentaries with numerous streaming services. So, cozy up and get lost in a good story after a long day. 

Taking a nap on a lazy Sunday afternoon 

Napping can be considered an art form to many. There’s nothing quite like a refreshing nap to help you recharge. Picture a lazy Sunday afternoon, the sun gently shining through your window. You cozy up with a soft blanket, close your eyes, and drink in the serenity. There’s that period of dreamy bliss where you forget what is happening in the busy world around you and are only aware of the calm sensation of waking. 

Remember, the little things in life often bring us the most joy. So, appreciate the simple pleasures that make life worth living. 

Social Pleasures 

Work without enjoying it with others will suck you dry. I can’t tell you how many times getting away to spend time with a good friend has enhanced my mood and added wind to my sails. Social pleasures are the moments spent with those you love, making a new acquaintance, and sharing a laugh with someone else. These simple experiences can bring happiness and contentment.

Here are some of the social pleasures you can enjoy every day: 

Quality time with loved ones 

Quality time with loved ones can be fulfilling and rewarding. For many, life is busy and chaotic, so being intentional in scheduling a family dinner, movie night, or coffee date is always worthwhile. These everyday moments are the secret to lasting relationships and can create lasting memories. When we have fulfilling relationships, we are better supported through life’s ups and downs.  

Making new connections 

If you’re like me, an introvert, making new acquaintances can feel intimidating at times. However, when I allow myself to step out of my comfort zone, I usually have a good experience when meeting new people. Making a new acquaintance is just around the corner at a community group or club with shared interests, a local event, or simply at your neighborhood grocery store striking up a conversation with someone new. By making new connections, you are introduced to new perspectives and experiences. 

Laughing until your stomach hurts 

As a therapist, I am all for feeling your feelings, however, laughter can be such good medicine. Laughing is a well-known stress relief and mood booster. Not only is laughter contagious, but it can bring people together. Sharing a funny story with others, watching a comedy show, or simply being goofy with friends can create uplifting moments of laughter and pure joy. 

Participating in shared hobbies and activities 

Engaging in a shared hobby or activity is a great way to build relationships and bonds with others. Intramural sports teams, taking a cooking class, or joining a book club can be great ways to create a shared experience and foster community.  Some of my best relationships have come from meeting someone at a shared interest, don’t sleep on this one!

Personal Wellness

Taking care of yourself is one of the most misunderstood and underdeveloped aspects I notice in new clients entering my office. If you can master healthy self-care, you will notice a major increase in your overall well-being and fulfillment. Here are some simple pleasures for personal wellness that not only help you feel good but also allow you to take care of your mind and body. 

Pampering yourself with a self-care routine 

Do not sleep on a solid self-care routine. Routines can be grounding and give you something to look forward to. A self-care routine can look like regularly taking baths, doing a weekly face mask, or a morning mindful meditation. You can also incorporate aromatherapy into your routine by using essential oils. 

Here are some ideas for a self-care routine: 


Stretching and moving your body intentionally can release tension while also energizing.  


Getting lost in a good book can be a great way to take your mind off things. 


Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process and feel more grounded and centered. 

Taking a walk 

Fresh air and exercise help clear and focus the mind and release stress from the body. 

Embracing the feeling after a workout 

Exercise is a proven great way to boost mood and physical health. Working out can provide a sense of accomplishment, increase endorphins, and relieve stress. Regular exercise can help you feel more positive and energized in your everyday life. As a therapist, I am such a fan of regular exercise as a positive coping skill.

Here are some ideas for workouts that can help you feel good: 

  • Going for a run or walk outside 
  • Taking a yoga or Pilates class 
  • Doing a HIIT workout at home 
  • Trying a physical activity, like rock climbing or dancing 

Getting lost in a creative pursuit 

Another great way to reduce stress and boost your mood is to get your creative juices flowing. Creativity can have many outlets. Whether you draw, paint, write, or make music, getting lost in a creative pursuit fosters internal connection and an increased positive life outlook. 

Here are some ideas for creative activities: 

  • Painting or drawing 
  • Writing poetry or fiction 
  • Playing an instrument or singing 
  • Cooking or baking 

Taking pride in small achievements 

Remember to underestimate the power of small achievements. Want to increase confidence and motivation? Create an achievable goal and work towards it. Completing a task or goal shows us that we have what it takes to succeed. Small accomplishments include completing work tasks, finishing a book, or learning a new skill. Celebrate the small wins; they can help you feel more positive and motivated. 

Here are some ideas for small achievements to celebrate: 

  • Finishing a work project 
  • Trying a new recipe 
  • Completing a puzzle or game 
  • Reading a new book  

Simple Adventures 

Adventure can be a great way to have new experiences and help us have fun. Life can be full of adventure, even in the simplest of forms. Here are some simple pleasures that can bring a sense of adventure to your everyday life. 

Exploring a new neighborhood 

Stepping out of our comfort zone to explore somewhere new can help us discover unknown pleasures and interests. I used to be afraid of going to new places because “What if I don’t like it?” When I started branching out as I became more confident, I realized there were so many benefits that outweighed the negatives of trying new things. Take a walk or bike around a neighborhood you’ve never been to. You might find a new favorite shop, restaurant, or park that you never knew existed. 

Rediscovering old photographs 

When I was in high school, I took a photography class. I took my little mini camera and took artsy shots of random objects. I even won an award for the photos I took. Granted it was a class of 12, but hey, that was big for my short 15 years of living. I didn’t really keep up with the hobby, but it will always be a special memory. Looking through old photographs in general can provide sweet feelings of nostalgia and show how far you’ve come in life. 

Trying a new hobby or skill 

Want a fun and rewarding adventure? Learn a new hobby or skill! The possibilities are endless, whether it’s painting, cooking, or playing an instrument. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from discovering a new passion or interest. Many think they need to be the best or perfect at something, but really you have to be okay with not being good at something for a while before you can ever be good. I may never be the next up and coming painter, but do I enjoy painting simply for the pleasure of it? Absolutely!

Creating a bucket list for future adventures 

Many miss out on making memories in new places. You can be intentional with your time and energy by making a list of all the places you want to visit and things you want to do in your lifetime. It can be as simple as trying new foods or as adventurous as skydiving. A bucket list can give you something to look forward to and motivate you to try new things. Don’t let the mundane of everyday rob you of experiencing simple adventures. 

How to Appreciate Simple Pleasures? 

Sometimes, the stress of life can interfere with our ability to notice and enjoy simple pleasures. Here are some tips for how you can appreciate the little things in life to foster joy and contentment: 

Practice Mindfulness 

Studies are showing that daily mindfulness practices can be just as effective as anxiety medication. Mindfulness is being present in the moment and fully engaged in your surroundings. By practicing mindfulness, you can more fully appreciate the simple pleasures in life, such as the sun’s warmth on your skin or the taste of your favorite food. Try to focus on your senses and be fully present in your moments.  

Create a Gratitude List 

Gratitude is a powerful tool to foster positivity. Take some time to reflect on the things in your life for which you are grateful. Remember the simple things like a warm bed to sleep in at night or the love of family and friends. As you write down your list, refer to it often when you need a reminder of the good things in your life going right. 

Enjoying the simple things in life doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. All it takes is slowing down, getting creative, and being present in your everyday moments. Daily practice can help foster greater happiness, fulfillment, and overall contentment. Cheers to you for engaging in this simple but rewarding form of self-care.  

Want even more simple pleasures to embrace? Check out this compiled list. 

130 simple pleasures to enjoy life:  

  1. Watching a beautiful sunset.  
  2. Listening to your favorite song.  
  3. A warm cup of tea or coffee on a chilly day.  
  4. Reading a good book.  
  5. Taking a long, hot bath.  
  6. Hugging someone you love.  
  7. Laughing until your stomach hurts.  
  8. Walking barefoot in the grass.  
  9. Playing with a pet.  
  10. Making someone smile.  
  11. Waking up without an alarm clock.  
  12. Feeling the sun on your face.  
  13. Dancing like nobody’s watching.  
  14. Watching clouds float by.  
  15. Having a meaningful conversation.  
  16. Taking a nap on a lazy afternoon.  
  17. Finding money in your pocket that you forgot about.  
  18. Smelling freshly baked bread.  
  19. Watching your favorite movie.  
  20. Eating your favorite comfort food.  
  21. Getting a compliment from a stranger.  
  22. Hearing birds chirping in the morning.  
  23. Receiving a handwritten letter.  
  24. Completing a task you’ve been procrastinating on.  
  25. Discovering a new favorite song.  
  26. Getting into freshly washed bedsheets.  
  27. Making a new friend.  
  28. Finding a solution to a problem.  
  29. Watching a thunderstorm from indoors.  
  30. Drinking cold water on a hot day.  
  31. Feeling the wind in your hair.  
  32. Taking a scenic drive.  
  33. Building a blanket fort.  
  34. Playing a board game with friends or family.  
  35. Planting flowers or vegetables and watching them grow.  
  36. Watching fireflies light up the night.  
  37. Cooking a delicious meal from scratch.  
  38. Receiving unexpected good news.  
  39. Going for a hike in nature.  
  40. Meditating and finding inner peace.  
  41. Writing in a journal.  
  42. Doing a random act of kindness.  
  43. Getting a good night’s sleep.  
  44. Watching your favorite sports team win.  
  45. Going for a bike ride.  
  46. Stargazing on a clear night.  
  47. Trying a new hobby.  
  48. Having a picnic in the park.  
  49. Solving a crossword puzzle or Sudoku.  
  50. Finding the perfect gift for someone.  
  51. Listening to the sound of rain.  
  52. Watching baby animals play.  
  53. Getting a massage.  
  54. Singing in the shower.  
  55. Seeing a rainbow after a storm.  
  56. Having a lazy day with no plans.  
  57. Receiving a hug when you need it most.  
  58. Watching a live performance.  
  59. Playing in the snow.  
  60. Making someone else laugh.  
  61. Finding a four-leaf clover.  
  62. Trying a new food.  
  63. Watching old home videos or looking at old photos.  
  64. Floating in a pool or the ocean.  
  65. Sitting around a bonfire with friends.  
  66. Going for a run or a workout.  
  67. Watching the stars from a hammock.  
  68. Taking a road trip with friends.  
  69. Spending time with family.  
  70. Receiving a thoughtful gift.  
  71. Watching a loved one succeed.  
  72. Taking a day off to relax.  
  73. Enjoying a delicious dessert.  
  74. Curling up with a cozy blanket.  
  75. Going to a farmers’ market.  
  76. Watching the first snowfall of the year.  
  77. Receiving a sincere apology.  
  78. Singing along to your favorite songs in the car.  
  79. Playing with bubbles.  
  80. Listening to the sound of waves crashing.  
  81. Having a good hair day.  
  82. Watching a butterfly flutter by.  
  83. Finding a quiet spot to read or reflect.  
  84. Going on a spontaneous adventure.  
  85. Getting a compliment from someone you admire.  
  86. Watching a loved one accomplish their goals.  
  87. Having a deep conversation with a friend.  
  88. Being forgiven after making a mistake.  
  89. Watching a fireworks display.  
  90. Getting a warm hug from someone you miss.  
  91. Watching a loved one open a gift you got them.  
  92. Making someone’s day with a small gesture.  
  93. Seeing a field of flowers in bloom.  
  94. Watching a baby laugh.  
  95. Receiving a handwritten note.  
  96. Listening to the sound of a crackling fire.  
  97. Finding a quiet moment in a busy day.  
  98. Seeing a shooting star.  
  99. Having a long, uninterrupted stretch of time to yourself.  
  100. Watching the ocean tide come in and out.  
  101. Receiving unexpected flowers.  
  102. Smelling freshly cut grass.  
  103. Watching a flock of birds fly by.  
  104. Trying a new restaurant and loving the food.  
  105. Getting a good deal on something you wanted.  
  106. Receiving a warm welcome from someone you haven’t seen in a while.  
  107. Watching a favorite childhood movie.  
  108. Getting lost in a good story.  
  109. Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking.  
  110. Receiving a genuine compliment.  
  111. Feeling appreciated at work or in a group.  
  112. Finding a quiet spot in a busy city.  
  113. Witnessing a random act of kindness.  
  114. Seeing a double rainbow.  
  115. Finding a beautiful seashell on the beach.  
  116. Watching a time-lapse video of nature.  
  117. Seeing a loved one accomplish something they’ve been working hard on.  
  118. Watching a classic movie.  
  119. Finding a cozy cafe to work or read in.  
  120. Discovering a new favorite book.  
  121. Seeing the first signs of spring after a long winter.  
  122. Spending time with a grandparent.  
  123. Making a new friend while traveling.  
  124. Watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly.  
  125. Finding a great view from a high vantage point.  
  126. Receiving a surprise visit from a friend.  
  127. Watching a live performance by your favorite artist.  
  128. Spending time in a garden.  
  129. Watching the colors change in the sky during sunrise or sunset.  

Taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. 

About the Author

Brianna Itter, LAC, EMDR Therapist.

Brianna is a Licensed Associate Counselor who is EMDR trained and practices out of Arizona. She has experience helping individuals of all ages and stages of life heal and move on from trauma. She is passionate about helping others realize their potential and experience life as their best selves. She frequently treats those with anxiety, depression, mood disorders and various life stressors. 

What are Simple Pleasures in Life?

Simple pleasures are the everyday moments or experiences that can be enjoyed without much effort or expense. They often go unnoticed but have the potential to bring immense joy and contentment to our lives. These can include activities like savoring a cup of coffee, taking a leisurely walk, or spending quality time with loved ones.

How can I Appreciate Simple Pleasures?

Appreciating simple pleasures involves slowing down, being mindful of your surroundings, and finding gratitude in everyday moments. Practice mindfulness to fully engage with your senses and create a gratitude list to acknowledge the blessings in your life. By cultivating a mindset of appreciation, you can find joy in even the smallest of experiences.

Why is Appreciating Simple Pleasures Important?

Appreciating simple pleasures is essential for overall well-being as it helps reduce stress, increase happiness, and foster a sense of contentment. In today’s fast-paced world, taking the time to notice and enjoy the little things can greatly enhance your quality of life and improve your mental and emotional health.

Where can I Find Simple Pleasures?

Simple pleasures can be found everywhere, from the comfort of your own home to the great outdoors. Whether it’s enjoying nature, indulging in culinary delights, or spending time with friends and family, there are countless opportunities to embrace the beauty and joy of everyday life.

How do I Incorporate Simple Pleasures into my Routine?

Incorporating simple pleasures into your routine can be as easy as setting aside time each day to engage in activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s starting your morning with a cup of tea, taking a walk during your lunch break, or unwinding with a good book before bed, prioritizing simple pleasures can help you create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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